What frontline workers who participate in our 

   programs say:

  • This class has taught me things in everyday living outside of my job. 

              I am more talkative in class now and to other people helping in 

             whatever way I can.

  • This has helped me at work and home to deal and approach situations differently.  I am a calmer person.  Me, overall, I am a better person, mother, wife, sister and co-worker!  Thanks .

  • [This] has helped me to become a leader not a follower in the workplace.  It has taught me to stand tall and proud every day in the workplace and at home.  I have used what I have learned in this class in my everyday life of being a Nursing Assistant II, a mother and a student.  I will take this class with me and use what I have learned to be a wonderful RN in the future.


  • I can honestly say that this course has helped me better: my teamwork skills in communication with patients and staff members.  This course has also clarified safety precautions questions not discussed often.  It also is improving my problem analyzing and problem solving strategies based on the situation or information that must be collected.  

  • This course has been very informative about my job in Food and Nutrition and in other areas within the hospital.  It has helped me become a better me personally for my workplace.  It has given me opportunities to advance in different job areas.  

  • This class has helped me improve my skill by giving me job knowledge.  It has helped by giving me a positive attitude.  This course helped me become a more positive person at work and have a better understanding of my job.


  • This course has helped me improve communication and interacting skills with patients, visitors, co-workers and managers--as well as the knowledge I learned about myself.

  • [This class] is a blessing to me; it helped me so much in my department (EVS).  I learned how to turn my anger into a good reaction to how I feel about my job, and not what everyone else thinks about the (EVS) department.  I learned that my job is important, it’s not as glamorous as a doctor or nurse but without me there will be chaos.  I love my job and this class helped me realize that I can do anything I set my mind to doing.  Being around Nursing Assistants, Transporters, Food and Nutrition, I got the feeling of how their jobs are and what is required.  Reading all the information about my department in the manual, I was able to do my job well and get a promotion.  Now that I am a Lead Tech I can take what I learned from this class and be a better leader--not like before when I would just give my opinion and not support the company.  It has helped me in more than one way.  I really enjoyed this class, especially mind mapping.

​     ​--Comments from participants who recently  completed  ITC programs

         at Cape Fear Valley Health System in Fayetteville, NC