​  A Bit of National Certified Healthcare Transporter (CHT) Program History...

     The National Association of Healthcare Transport Management (NAHTM) committed to   establishing a national healthcare transporter certification program in 2002 to bring about excellence in the field of healthcare transport and to standardize training, education, and customer relation skills to support that goal. NAHTM contracted with Impact Training Corporation (ITC) to adapt ITC's successful transporter training curriculum to reflect national standards. NAHTM member Cardell Jones, Transport Manager at St. Joseph's/Candler Healthcare System in Savannah, GA, had worked closely with ITC and brought this successful model to NAHTM's attention through it's then President, Deborah Cox of UMass General Hospital in Worcester, MA.

For two years, ITC surveyed NAHTM members representing more than 50 healthcare systems across the US and a variety of healthcare transporter job duties were reviewed and analyzed. This process resulted in ITC, in conjunction with NAHTM's membership, developing a set of core competencies that meet Joint Commission requirements and reflect employer standards for healthcare transporters around the country. ITC's Certified Healthcare Transporter curriculum provides the content and process to achieve these standardized competencies. Transporters who complete the training and successfully demonstrate mastery of the competencies at a proficient level are eligible to become Certified Healthcare Transporters.

Since 2003, ITC and NAHTM as partners have been granting national certification to healthcare transporters. At the request of Joint Commission, ITC has also developed a recertification process for certified transporters that occurs every five years. NAHTM is the credentialing authority.
ITC, along with its NAHTM Member Advisory Committee, serves as the program developer and administer for the Certified Healthcare Transporter Program. 

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Building a future for Frontline Healthcare Workers

About NAHTM...

​The National Association of Healthcare Transport Management (NAHTM) ​is composed of transport management from throughout the US and Canada who are responsible for the transportation of patients within hospital settings. Other related activities managed by these individuals may include: mail services, shuttle/van transportation, equipment management, distribution, item/materials/ specimens movement, patient lift teams, greeter services, sitter services, and volunteer service management.

​NAHTM's Mission Statement...

​The National Association of Healthcare Transport Management (NAHTM) is dedicated to the professional development and education of hospital-based patient transport managers and their staffs, as well as to the improvement of practice within those managers' respective departments.